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Does faux fur scarf need to be kept out of direct sunlight?

Although faux fur scarfs differ from real fur in terms of maintenance, they still need to avoid direct sunlight. The ultraviolet rays in sunlight can also cause certain damage to faux fur materials, which may cause to fading, aging, and even affect the appearance and texture of scarfs.
Firstly, the materials used for faux fur scarfs are mostly synthetic fibers or synthetic leather. When these materials are exposed to sunlight for a long time, they will be eroded by ultraviolet rays, causing the color to gradually fade and lose its original brightness. In addition, ultraviolet radiation may also cause material aging, making scarfs fragile and prone to breakage.
Secondly, direct sunlight can also increase the temperature of faux fur scarfs, accelerate the oxidation and decomposition of their internal fibers, and further shorten their service life. Therefore, in order to protect the faux fur scarf, we should avoid placing it in places with direct sunlight for a long time, such as balconies, window edges, etc.
In summary, faux fur scarfs need to be kept away from direct sunlight to maintain their good appearance and texture, and extend their lifespan. When storing or wearing, choose a cool, ventilated, and dry environment, and avoid contact with sharp objects or chemicals to avoid unnecessary damage.


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